I fell coming downstairs and cut between my toes so bad I had to get 4 stitches! I don’t like getting stitches.
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I got the desk I wanted from Santa plus the Kids Smart Tracker GPS Watch I wanted from Mummy & Daddy! Continue reading →
My best friends and I were able to overflow the box for our donation drive for Merrymount Family Support & Crisis Centre!
I banged up my knee at gymnastics on Monday and had to get crutches to walk!
I got to see the CP Holiday this week and we put up the Christmas tree! I am so excited for Christmas. Continue reading →
I got to see Santa today! I told him how I want a desk for my bedroom to do my homework on. Continue reading →
I joined choir this week! We’re getting ready for the Christmas concert!
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We went to the Santa Claus parade this weekend with my best friends and had so much fun!
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Halloween was on Monday and I had so much fun. And yesterday I went to Comicon with my Uncle Greg and cousin Vaughan! Continue reading →
I am excited for Halloween! I spent the whole day with my best friends helping them get their costumes ready!