
It was inevitable we suppose…

I can confirm, COVID sucks.

He said

After over two plus years of avoiding it, this household finally got a visit from COVID. After getting home from Cheer comp and what we just presumed Emelia feeling exhausted from the weekend, turned into still feel cruddy Monday after a good sleep, and now she had a sore throat. As a precaution, and because we were away for the weekend, we all tested. Now, we spent the better part of the weekend masked and as safe as wee could be. But, we still knew we stood a good chance being in the face of so much public, and from all over Canada.

My test showed immediately negative, as did Danielle’s—neither of us experiencing any symptoms whatsoever. Emelia on the other hand, showed a very faint positive so we immediately moved into quarantine mode. We let the school know and then Danielle opted to work from home for next couple of days anyway. And we all opted for wearing masks in the house and keeping to as separate spaces as we could. Emelia spent most of the next two days in bed resting. We tested every single day and up until Wednesday Danielle and I were testing negative and experiencing still no symptoms.

However about midway through the day Danielle started to get a sore throat. And it was Emelia who had noticed on her test that she’d left on the kitchen counter that there was a very faint second line, meaning Danielle was now confirmed. We were already staying as separate as we could in this house, sleeping in different areas of the house and keeping our distance, fully masked at all times.The only thing left to do was to keep monitoring symptoms and testing. Right up to today I still haven’t had a single symptom and continue to test negative.

I am skeptical that I will come out of this that lucky, but will continue to try to do as much as we can to hope that I can stay COVID free. The only thing that does suck is that beyond today if I do experience symptoms and/or test positive, it means I will lose being able to go and do the the Paris to Ancaster race next Sunday that I was looking forward to and getting ready for. So for now all we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best. Emelia’s full quarantine will end on Tuesday and Danielle’s will end on Friday. Emelia is already almost feeling back to 100% however I would say Danielle is a couple days behind at least. All I can do is hope that were soon pass the contagious, if not already.

And hopefully this time next week we’re posting all being better and telling you how the race went! Here’s to hoping!

She said

My post will be brief because to be honest I still feel like crap. After two years of precautions we are finally hit with Covid. I can tell you this virus is no joke. I haven’t been this sick in I don’t know how long. Every day the virus feels a bit differently, beyond the headaches, heavy chest, body aches is the crushing exhaustion and lack of focus. When Emelia turned positive I was able to shift to working from home. By Monday I started to get a bit of a sore throat, we continued testing daily. Wednesday morning Emelia came up to the office while I was working to tel me she thought she saw a faint second line on my covid test. Well crap, I was positive too.

So far at that time and for the next two days the symptoms were more like a cold, sore throat, congestion and a bit of shortness of breath. By Friday the virus was in full gear. I tried to work from home for the morning, after an early afternoon meeting I lied down and crashed for almost 3 hours. As the night progressed so did the symptoms. The last 3 days have been a blur of changing symptoms and crushing exhaustion. I am very slowly coming out the other side. The cough has died down, the body aches are less but the brain fog and exhaustion are still really bad.

We have done what we can to distance in the house, we are all our masks all day and even sleeping in them,. We have been playing room rotation and sanitizing constantly in shared areas. We are hoping we can do what we can to keep John from getting it. If he does turn positive we at least know we did everything in the house we could to avoid it for now. He has a big race this weekend we really want him to be able to go to. So here’s for hoping. Now we hope that next week is a much better week than this past one because I really do not want to repeat this week again.

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