Outside of my parents, two of the most influential adults in my life are gone…
He said
April 30th, 2024 at 10:30pm. Dad.
I had the privilege of being your son. You had the ‘fortune’ of being my father. We didn’t always see eye-to-eye but I always knew where I stood with you. You loved me, you encouraged me, and you pushed me to become the best version of myself that I could be. You were the best version of a father I could ask for and a road map for the one I want to be.
Danielle loses someone who took her in and treated her like his own. Someone she could confide in and get guidance from. Someone who knew that I hit the lottery when I found my life’s partner,
This part is tough…
Emelia loses the other biggest champion she had in life. You had a very special and close relationship and she absolutely adored you, “Poppa”. And you gave everything you had to be there for her and meet her where she was.
It has been a soul-gutting last five months for our family. The two biggest presences in our family are no longer with us. And we’re left here picking up the pieces and soldiering on with what’s left.
But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You see with the loss that we’re feeling, comes the solace of knowing that we had people in our lives that mattered this much to us. Not everyone has that. But we did.
In the end you held on just long enough to let me see that overtime win, and then spend the most peaceful thirty minutes together—just you, Danielle and I while you slipped off as we shared with you how much we and everyone who had the fortune of knowing you, loved you.
I am going to miss you like crazy, Dad. Your sharp wit, your humour, and your never-ending ability to challenge our thinking. I might be sad for a bit, but I don’t have one, single regret with you. And I know what my job is now – to make sure I carry your impact forward and try to have the same impact on others as you did.
A wee dram to you Dad. I love you.
She said
I don’t know if I can put into words what you meant to me. From the very first day I came into your family you treated me as a daughter. Our family you always said we don’t say ‘in-laws’ we say daughter. When my world fell apart when I was 21 you became my father. You were and always remained my rock, my sounding board, my dad.
Then, in 2007 Emelia came into our world and that strong bond between you and Emelia was formed. I have never seen a stronger bond than between you two. Whenever she needed a champion you were there, you were her biggest support and her favourite person. She loved her poppa more than life itself. She is the person she is today because of you. She will miss you forever.
And your boys. No family was more loved than ours. You were the hero to David, Greg, John and Matthew. They were and are the men the are because of you. They had the best role model. You had 7 grandbabies who thought you hung the moon.
Finally a partner in life to Helen, your wife of almost 62 years. You took care of her until the day you went into the hospital. You always wanted to make sure she was ok. You love was pure and forever.
Dad. We will love you forever. Thank you for being the dad we always needed. We will live our lives with intention and joy for you.
Rest in peace. Give Greg the biggest hug we miss you both so much.
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