
A trailer-free weekend???

I’ve been working on making over my room again!

He said

Now that we’ve settled into the routine of high school, Cheer, work and well… Fall, this week was a little lower key. I mean we did launch a bunch of new products at the store, I did start back at my beloved Friday morning hockey, and I did cross another significant milestone in my fitness/weight loss journey but other than that, the week was a much more reasonable pace than weeks past. And that was more than welcome for us.

The one adjustment in the week is that it didn’t end at the trailer sitting at the campfire. While that was a bit of a bummer, realistically that often adds to the pace and tasks for the week as we prep to be up there. Great problem to have and worth it, but with our schedules this week we just planned on skipping the weekend there as the camping season winds down and we’re up there next weekend anyway. And The Sherwood’s weren’t going to be there either. Plus I worked both Friday and Saturday with our launch after all.

And in the end, it has kismet that we didn’t go as we got a metric assload of rain earlier this week that resulted in significant flooding in the region. It impacted my bike riding routes for sure as some of the TVP was flooded. But, by Friday we were getting messages about flooding at Auburn. All the transient bookings for the weekend were canceled and there was talk of needing to move some trailers to higher ground. Thankfully our trailer and The Sherwood’s were on high ground, safe and protected by the berm behind our sites. Eventually over the weekend we had heard that the water was going back down, but thankfully were dry safe and really didn’t miss anything other than getting soakers this weekend.

The significant milestone I alluded earlier is I have finally, officially crossed over to 60lbs down! This week, I made my return to my weekly Friday morning hockey which was cut very short and sporadic last year because of COVID. It was amazing to be back playing and among those friends again. Because riding the bike is still such a huge source of joy for me doing every day, I came right home after hockey, got my gear put away, and my bike gear put on and was immediately out for my daily rip. On a whim after the ride, I weighed in and was delighted to find that I had now officially crossed the 60lbs down line in the sand. I am feeling the best I have in my adult life and I can see  this cycling routine changing any time soon. In fact I am already planning next year’s big rides.

This will be a short four-day work week for me as I am off Friday to Sunday this weekend so we can head up to Auburn for the weekend. It will be one of the last hurrah weekends for camping season as I don’t have much of Thanksgiving weekend off, so we will make the most out of this weekend and use any other future visits to start packing up and bringing stuff home for the season. While it is always kind of sad, the weather is getting cooler and it’s becoming more easier to absorb the season is over. Time to start thinking about warmer clothes, and cozying up indoors more than outdoors anyway.

She said

This weekend was a lot of getting things done that we don’t normally have the time to get done because we are never home for two of the weekend days of at the trailer. We really missed being at camp but honestly we really needed these two days to decompress and get some things caught up around the house.

This week has been an absolute shitshow at work, well the last few weeks honestly. It has been really long days all mentally draining. Work is beyond crazy and we are all doing really long hours. There doesn’t really seem to be a real end in sight either. My boss said to all of us that they want us to not do the long hours because of how much it is taking its toll on all the staff but honestly we need those hours just to keep our heads above water. It has meant really early mornings and really late nights.

I hate the impact the long days at work have been—even more so on Emelia. The impact of me working outside the house has really been an adjustment for her & I and with me coming home so late more often than not these days as we are very busy at work lately, it isn’t sitting well with Emelia and her mental health. She’s been great about it and understanding but it is taking is toll on all of us.

Speaking of mental health, Emelia continues to adjust to her new meds and she is slowly coming out of the side effects which is great because we are going back to our doctor tomorrow to see about adjusting her levels to see some impact on her mental health while balancing out the impact on her stomach and the other side effects. She has said the last day or so she’s feeling better and is ready to move up because she is finally seeing some good impact with the meds for her stomach so she wants the anxiety meds to be the right level so she can feel the postiive help with that. She had another therapy appointment this week and Jared has been so happy with how she is really opening up, peeling the onion to the root to give her the skills she needs.

This weekend she was loving being at home, she and her friends from school all went to the mall on Saturday and from the pics she showed me from the Rec Room they all had the best time. I love how she is finding this group of amazing and supportive kids at high school. She and the twins are making great new friends and just loving their high school experience.

I was able to spend the day with one of my best friends and reconnect. Komal and I have been close friends since we met when our girls were newborns. I love our friendship and loved that we got to spend the entire afternoon together catching up. She and I really have each other to lean on, without judgement – just support. It was a great afternoon.

Today Emelia was back at cheer, she was happy when she came out to tell us she was able to finally return to tumbling and although her elbow was sore she was able to finally get back to the full swing of things. All in all it was a long but good week. Next week we are back at camp for a weekend with great friends and cannot wait to spend the whole weekend together.

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